Wednesday, December 31, 2008

More Perriello Props

The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza came out with his list of the best congressional campaigns of 2008, and in line with the increasingly popular Perriello bandwagon, we made the list. Although I have some squabbles with Cillizza's write-up (more later), I am glad that Tom, my fellow co-workers, and our volunteers are getting the national respect they deserve; we were part of something special.

On the same note, The Franklin News-Post considered Tom's victory over Rep. Goode the top story of 2008. For those out of district, this newspaper covers Goode's hometurf, Rocky Mount and Franklin County. Tom ended an era of Goode family politics, as Goode and his father each spent over 30 years apiece in local public office. According to the News-Post, the outcome "is considered one of the biggest upsets in Virginia politics in recent history."


Anonymous said...

The Goode family have been a part of Franklin County politics for so long it seems strange for their time to have come to an end. Virgil Jr did not look well the last time I saw him. It may be a good thing for him to rest a bit. I feel sad for him because politics is all he has ever known. Even as a young one, he would go along with his daddy to meetings. We of Franklin County were blessed by the Goode family leadership, but it is time to move on. I hope Tom Perriello will fill the shoes of these fine men. I know he is capable, but wonder if he will. I hope also he will not forget us here in Franklin County. I hope this is all right and you will post my comments on your site.

Drew said...

Franklin County Woman,

Thank you for your post and your perspective on the Goode family. I appreciate your comments, and your sentiments were shared widely during the campaign. To provide what comfort I can, if there is one thing I learned working closely with Tom, it is that he an immensely capable man. He will make us proud to represent us in Congress, and he will not forget any area in his representation. During the campaign, Tom visited Franklin County almost weekly, and I have every reason to believe that will continue while he is in office.

Thank you again for your comments.