Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Double-shift: Tom's a legislatin'

Rep. Perriello is at it again, this time teaming up with freshmen Representatives Hodes (D-NH) and Giffords (D-AZ) to unveil the Clean Law for Earmark Accountability Reform Act (CLEAR Act). This law would make it illegal for congressional campaigns to get contributions from top executives who requested earmarks, effectively breaking a link between earmarks and campaign contributions. Money quote:
This act would make it illegal for lawmakers to accept campaign contributions from companies and their top executives who have requested any earmarks.
The CLEAR Act would mark a major reform in curbing earmark reform, as it will eliminate all possible ethical and legal dilemmas. Additionally, the Representatives hoped that this act would help to reinvigorate Americans confidence in their elected officials.
In a press release from Perriello's office, Perriello states:
“While I’m living up to my commitment not to accept contributions from corporate PACs or lobbyists, I think the entire Congress should be held to a higher standard,” said Perriello. “We must demand a new era of honesty and accountability in Washington and on Wall Street to get this country back on course.”
This legislation, according to the press release and RealClearPolitics, comes after Democrats tabled five resolutions from Rep. Flake (R-AZ) - which Rep. Perriello agreed and broke ranks with his party over, one of only a handful to do so - to link ethics investigations between earmarks and campaign contributions, specifically with regards to the PMA Group.

1 comment:

matt said...

washington + money = nearly everything that's wrong with gov't. glad this guy is trying. although, it seems easy to get around, but i have not read the bill.