Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Quick Perriello Points

It's hard to keep up with my congressman these days. Come home from work and my inbox is flooded with news of new legislation he writes and supports. This is from the last two days.

On veteran's issues, Perriello first voted for two important bills and introduced legislation. He voted to improve how VA's get funded, thus allowing for better transparency and planning purposes, and he voted to expand and improve VA healthcare benefits for the women who have bravely served our country. Perriello also introduced legislation to extend healthcare benefits from the VA to family members who act as caregivers to disabled veterans.

Today, Perriello announced his support for the Trade Act, which will review existing trade negotiations and will reform our country's approach to such negotiations, specifically with four higher standards. You can watch his press conference here.

Tomorrow, Thursday, Bradley Rees will officially announce his candidacy for the Republican nomination for Congress in Danville. I actually have a meeting there earlier, so time permitting, I'm going to try to check it out.


CWPNRG? said...

Drew, you'd better give me a good report on Rees, I'm headed out of town.

Unknown said...
